Build Back Your Confidence

5 Ways to Build Back Your Confidence

Whether you have been through a car accident, an accident at work or another traumatic event, it’s not unusual to suffer from feelings of anxiety or a drop in confidence afterwards. These feelings may pass in time, but many people need to take proactive steps to try and move on with their lives. For example, car accidents can sometimes lead the driver to feel unable to get back behind the wheel, even if the original accident was not their fault. If you are struggling to get your life back on track, here are 5 ways you may be able to build your confidence back up again.

1. Take small steps

When you’re worried or nervous about doing something which you used to regularly, don’t push yourself too far too soon. For example, a nervous driver probably shouldn’t head straight back on to the freeway; they may want to drive up and down the driveway a few times before going around the block, then going further out into the neighbourhood and maybe the freeway eventually.

The same is true of people worried about returning to work after a long absence. Rather than going back in on a full-time schedule, it may be better try a phased return to work, i.e. to do a day or 2 per week until you’ve built up some of your old confidence again.

2. Talk about your worries and fears

One of the worst things you can do when you frightened or stressed is to keep the emotions inside. Speak to a friend or family member who you trust about what you’re feeling and talk through your thoughts. In many cases simply talking about a problem can make it feel much less daunting and can help you to see a way through.

3. Find professional support and advice

Sometimes it may be necessary to consult with professionals to aid in your recovery and to help you rebuild your life. This could be by working with a physiotherapist to help you regain mobility and build your independence back up or you may want to see a mental health professional help you work through the trauma of the accident. If your injuries were the result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Visit for more information and advice about your situation.

4. Take on a new challenge or hobby

If you don’t want to revisit old hobbies or activities which bring up bad memories, consider finding a new pastime to channel your thoughts into something positive. Setting yourself a new goal or challenge can be a great way to focus on the future and to prove to yourself that you can achieve anything if you put our mind to it.

This could be a physical challenge, a craft, a college course or even writing a novel, but the important thing is that it motivates you to get back out there.

5. Go easy on yourself

Finally, you need to recognize that blaming yourself or dwelling on the negative experiences is not helpful. Try to remind yourself of all the positive aspects of your life and that it’s natural to feel shaken after a significant event like this. If you feel you need to rest and relax, do so and focus on the best in life.

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