Roswell Park Cancer Institute has transformed into one of the global leaders in surgical training, highly credited to its initiative for a creative collaboration between The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, at University of Buffalo and RPCI’s Center for Robotic Surgery. Surgical procedures always tend to have years of vigorous training, and ever since there’s […]
This category is self-explanatory.Hospitals,services and latest methods and devices can be reviewed here.
Review on NXT Patient Room 2020
Everyone is well aware of visiting a hospital is not so exciting, but companies like NXT Health are working closely to change the way we experience treatment in hospital rooms. The goal is to improve the room designs and further enhance the interoperability efficiency of the systems in order to eliminate wasteful redundancy and technological clutter […]
Review on Nanorobots
Nowadays, the use of Nanorobots has been popular in the field of medicine. This is most prominent due to the possibility of highly-targeted delivery of medical payloads, an outcome that could help to reduce side effects and regulate the need for invasive procedures. But, how these microscopic particles can best navigate the body’s fluids is […]