CBD Joints VS Marijuana Joints

Cannabis legalization has been growing every day in the US. As it grows in popularity, it has become one of the most debated topics amongst communities. For example, the distinction between CBD and “weed” has caused many people to accept one (CBD) as a medicinal remedy while shaming the other (weed) as a recreational drug.

But what are the differences and similarities of these two compounds?

In this article, we have chosen to compare CBD genesis joints and Marijuana joints in order to determine which may be best for you, as there are many different types of THC and CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis (marijuana) or hemp plants. Cannabis, or marijuana, comes from the Cannabis sativa plant and is composed of two main, natural compounds: Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Even though CBD is a component of cannabis, it is extracted directly from the cannabis or hemp plant (a relative of the marijuana plant) and does not create feelings of “high,” but does obtain all of the medicinal properties associated with the plant. CBD can be used to help with inflammation, pain, psychosis or mental disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, nausea, migraines, depression and anxiety.

The main reason why CBD is a great natural drug is that, unlike its counterpart THC, it has little to no side effects if overused. According to the World Health Organization, CBD “exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.” It is for these reasons that CBD is mostly used as a medicinal remedy.

What is THC?

THC is most commonly known as the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the sensation of “high” and is often consumed by smoking the bud or as THC oil. When ingested, THC can cause paranoia, hallucinations, feelings of euphoria, short-term memory loss, and impaired judgment. THC is most commonly used for its recreational purposes rather than its medicinal benefits.

Like CBD, THC also interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. The interaction affects the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, causing the effects of euphoria, sedation or “high.” It is for these effects that THC has been labelled as a mostly recreational drug.

Interesting enough, THC and CBD both help alleviate some of the same troubles such as chronic pain, stress, anxiety and even depression.

Benefits of CBD and THC

Both CBD and THC have similar medicinal benefits. It has been researched that THC can help alleviate pain, muscle spasticity, glaucoma, insomnia, low appetite, nausea, and anxiety, stress and depression. THC is also used in people with Parkinson’s to help alleviate the shakes, and even in cancer patients to reduce their pain and increase their appetite.

Although it may seem like marijuana only has a recreational use, the medicinal benefits can help those suffering from certain pains. CBD also has many medicinal benefits. CBD is known to help alleviate seizures, inflammation, pain, psychosis or mental disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, nausea, migraine, depression and anxiety.

Legality of CBD and THC

In the United States, cannabis-related laws are evolving regularly. Technically, CBD is still considered a Schedule I drug under federal law. Hemp has been removed from the Controlled Substances Act, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still classify CBD as a Schedule I drug.

However, 33 states plus Washington, D.C., have passed cannabis-related laws, making medical cannabis with high levels of THC legal. The cannabis may need to be prescribed by a licensed physician.

In addition, several states have made recreational use of cannabis and THC legal. In states where cannabis is legal for recreational or medical purposes, you should be able to buy CBD. It is important to research the law on these substances in your state before you buy or consume.

CBD Joints VS Marijuana Joints

Now that we have covered the basics, we can dive into the main differences of CBD joints and marijuana joints.

As stated before, the effects are quite different, but the look and smell are quite similar. CBD joints taste and smell just like regular marijuana joints. Because both products come from the same plant (through distinct processes) the smell and taste could easily be confused.

Some CBD products, like hemp cigarettes CBD, try their best to mask the smell or to limit the amount of time the smell will linger, to try and distinguish it from regular marijuana, click here to try it out.

The effects felt by a CBD joint are explained as a nice calming sensation. Users claim that the calming sensation runs through the body, relaxing the mind as well. Unfortunately, like regular marijuana joints, smoking CBD joints will leave a burn or scratchy feeling on the throat and lungs.

Unlike marijuana, CBD does not impair your judgement and coordination and allows you to go through your day regularly. It is important to mention that one possible side effect for new users is drowsiness, but it does go away as use becomes regular.

As mentioned earlier, the biggest distinction between CBD and Marijuana is the lack of feeling “high.” Consuming Marijuana causes hallucinations, paranoia, short-term memory loss and sedation. Consuming CBD will not give you any of those effects.

CBD vs THC Side Effects

Research suggests that CBD is tolerated, even in large doses. This means that it is difficult to obtain a negative reaction when using large amounts of CBD. It is suggested that any side effect that occurs from CBD is more likely the result of a drug-to-drug interaction between CBD and other medications.

Nonetheless, CBD is known to have some mild side effects. Some of the side effects can include appetite changes, fatigue, weight loss, dizziness, and diarrhea. These are more common if taking several medications at once.

On the other hand, THC is known to have many negative side effects. Some of them include increased heart rate, coordination problems, dry or “cottonmouth, red eyes, slower reaction times, memory loss, anxiety and paranoia. Not everyone experiences these side effects the same.

These side effects are part of the compound’s psychoactive properties. It is important to note that neither compound is considered fatal, though there are many circumstances that conclude being on marijuana can cause fatalities. For example, driving under the influence can be potentially fatal as marijuana impairs judgment and coordination.

It should also be mentioned that high THC use may be connected to long-term negative psychiatric effects. Even though there is no conclusive evidence, THC should be consumed carefully.


CBD and THC both have medical benefits. They are also both considered safe, but consider the possibility of side effects and interactions with other drugs you are taking. Talk with your doctor or a qualified cannabis or CBD clinician before use and if you have any questions.

Ultimately, it is your decision to choose which works best for you. Whether you are looking to alleviate chronic pain with a marijuana joint or a CBD joint, the effects have been laid out for you. We recommend that Marijuana be used in states where it is legal, and in the comfort of your home. It is important that if you do choose marijuana over CBD, do not operate heavy machinery like your vehicle.

We also believe that if you are using either for just pain management, try CBD first. The medicinal benefits do outrank those of marijuana and have less negative side effects. It is also useful if you need to continue your day regularly.

In addition, smoking has another set of risks and health dangers associated and must be taken into consideration whether you choose to smoke CBD joints or Marijuana joints.

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