Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

Are you a Kratom consumer? Do you have to suddenly partake in an impromptu drug test? Are you bothered by this? Well, you shouldn’t be. This is no big deal.

Most Authentic Kratom users are scared of the opioid showing up in their drug tests. Some of them even give up on the beneficial plant because they work in places that regularly surprise them with drug tests. But this shouldn’t be done. They should get a basic understanding of the drug first.

Every kratom user should be aware of the interactions of the drug in the system and shouldn’t lose their freedom to use the legal herb because of the fear of drug tests. So, in this post, I will throw some bright light on this controversial topic popular among consumers. I will do this by answering some frequently asked questions. Let’s take a closer look.

Does a drug test specifically for Kratom detection exist?

There is currently no drug test specifically designed to detect the presence of kratom in an individual’s body. This is because the drug is quite unpopular in many countries. Many people do not even know of its existence. They have no idea what it does to the body so they are quite unbothered about its negative effects.

Amongst those who are aware of its existence, they believe it is not harmful to the system since it does not cause any CNS effects. This is the major reason why no specific drug test has been designed for it.

Although some tests are being developed for it, there is none available for now. So, be well informed about this fact.

Can Kratom be detected on a drug test?

Kratom cannot be detected on most drug tests. This is because the routine of detecting for the drug is not done. They do not run tests specifically for kratom use detection. The drug is legal in most countries so it is not necessary.

The common drug screening tests are only capable of detecting illegal substances such as cocaine, marijuana, and heroin.

This is because kratom has a different chemical composition and structure compared to the illegal narcotics.

But, there is an exception: the urinalysis. Urinalysis is the most common test used to detect the presence of kratom in a consumer’s body. After 6 hours, a test on the urine can detect the presence of the drug. This form of testing is quite accurate and fast.

However, using a urine drug screening test is not so popular. The drug is regarded as herbal medicine and doesn’t attract attention during drug tests. It is mostly permitted for usage in many countries except Australia, Burma, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Can the drug generate a false positive for opiates?

The urine drug test is the most effective test used to detect opiates. It is mostly used to screen the presence of illegal drugs such as opioids, marijuana, and heroin.

During its detection for opioids, it doesn’t detect all correctly. So, it can generate a false-positive result. What I mean is, the test generates a positive result for a drug that you don’t consume.

But in the case of kratom, a false positive cannot be generated, because, in a standard drug test, it is difficult to detect the Alkaloids and Mitragynine that makeup kratom.

Such false-positive results are more likely to occur when you take some medications and supplements.

How long does Kratom stay in the body?

The average half-life of kratom is around a day (24 hours) but can also last as long as 40 hours due to some factors.

This means that kratom can be detected in the body in these hours. The herb will be eliminated from the body during 6-9 days. Therefore, after 6-9 days, no trace of kratom consumption will be left.

This is trick kratom users who have upcoming tests use. They abstain from the drug for about a week. So, traces will not show up even in a urine or drug test.

Taking kratom before a drug test: safe or not?

This is a frequently asked question among kratom users. They believe kratom is capable of producing a false-positive result in a drug screening test., so they assume it is unwise to take it.

But, this is not necessarily correct. What should be totally avoided before a drug test is some drugs like Prozac? The interaction of such drugs with kratom in the system is more likely to generate a false-positive result than kratom used alone.

But to be on a safer side, it is advisable to stay away from for about a week if you have an upcoming drug test. Otherwise, request for a Secondary Gas Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry drug test. Although these tests will produce a more accurate result, it is not commonly used because it is expensive.

Factors That Influence the Metabolism of Kratom

Some factors can influence the period that kratom can stay in the body. These factors either make it stay longer or shorten the lifespan. They include:

·       Age

The older you are, the longer the kratom will stay in your body. This is because age reduces the metabolism rate of substances in the body. Younger ones have shorter metabolism periods. This means younger users will experience a shorter detection span.

·       Strain type

Some strains of kratom have a longer half-life than the others. They are more intoxicating. The red leaves are more stimulating than the other strains, so they last longer in the body of the consumer.

·       Weight

Kratom is a fat-soluble drug. This means that people with larger Body Mass Index(BMI) will withhold traces of kratom for a longer period than those with lesser body fat.

·       Diet

Taking kratom on an empty stomach will result in a faster metabolic process than when it is ingested with food. Also, regular intake of water will purge the system and remove traces of kratom faster.


Kratom consumption cannot be detected on a standard drug test and it also doesn’t generate a false negative on a normal basis except when interacted with some specific drugs. So do not panic if you have a drug test coming up in a few days. Just take some necessary precautions then you are good to go.

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