
Issues that Impacted Healthcare Industry in 2016

Change is a part and parcel of life!!!

Every year, the healthcare industry undergoes innumerable variations which change scenario, outlook of the organization completely. The change can either be good or bad for the healthcare personnel, manufacturers or for the patients.

In this article, we shall discuss about the issues that have impacted healthcare industry for the year 2016. They’re as follows:

  1. Behavioral Health
  2. Biosimilars
  3. Community Care Collaboration
  4. Cyber Security Concerns over Medical Devices
  5. Mergers
  6. Mobile Care
  7. New Database
  1. Behavioral Health

Hey, I want to confess something!!!

Behavioral health implies mental and emotional well-being. It (behavioral health) has undergone a lot of changes in the year 2016. The mental health issue like depression is no longer a taboo in the society and is being addressed.

People are now coming out of the closet and openly discussing with the psychologists, psychiatrists. Conferences are being held on a more regular basis than a decade ago.

  1. Biosimilars:

Use me please. I’m cheaper in rate compared to the original drug!!!

“Biosimilars are a near substitute for an original brand drug, sold at a discount once the original loses patent protection”, according to a PwC report.

They’re expected to save a lot of billions of money. Under the BPCI Act, a biological product probably confirmed to be “biosimilar” if data shows that, among the various things, the product is very much alike to an already-approved biological product.

  1. Community Care Collaboration:

Collaboration makes the response rate high!!!

Collaborative Care in healthcare happens when many health providers from different professions provide comprehensive services by working with people, care providers, communities, etc to bring about the highest quality of care across settings.

Few other derivatives of Collaborative Care include Integrated Care, Primary Care Behavioral Health, Integrated Primary Care, and Shared Care. This has increased rapidly in the year 2016.

  1. Cyber Security Concerns over Medical Devices:

I want security, I need security. Please save me!!!

Cyber Security in the healthcare has become a major threat for the year 2016. Manufacturing companies now need to be very careful when designing devices which involve the usage of the Internet. They’ve to take measures so as to protect the user’s personal information.

According to a study, the Internet-connected healthcare products are estimated to be worth $285 billion by the year 2020.

  1. Mergers:

Merge and Emerge as winner!!!

2015 was a year of many companies merging and in the year 2016, as well the healthcare world has witnessed many healthcare companies merging. Some of them include:

  1. Ardent Health and LHP group,
  2. UMass Memorial Health to merge Clinton, HealthAlliance Hospitals and
  3. McKesson healthcare merges IT Unit with Change Healthcare
  1. Mobile Care:

Know about your health anytime and anywhere!!!

With the emergence of Smartphones, the healthcare industry has transformed completely and has left a major impact. Patients are now able to know about their health anywhere and anytime with the help of numerous apps available in hand.

The biggest advantage of this Mobile care is that the patient can know about his health in just a matter of seconds.

  1. New Database:

Access me anytime and anywhere!!!

Database in general terms means data that is stored in a computer and is accessible in various ways.

It has become very essential that database be accessible from anywhere as it may help a lot in the cases of emergencies.

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