LAURA® Smart – A Simple, Quick and Smart Solution for Urinalysis

LAURA® Smart, recently unveiled by Transasia Bio-Medicals Ltd., India’s Largest In-vitro Diagnostic Company, is the latest and compact urine strip reader.

Its objective involves photometric evaluation and semi-automated technology which simplifies sample processing and provides accurate results. The compact size and easy operations of LAURA® Smart makes it an ideal choice for clinical laboratory or for use by medical professionals of different specialties.

A perfect choice for routine chemical urinalysis, LAURA® Smart comes with the following features:

Two measuring modes

A standard (60 samples/ hr) & special working mode with Smart Timing provides an elevated throughput of 240 samples/ hr.  While in the standard mode one strip incubation is counted at a time, in the Smart Timing mode, four incubation periods are counted in parallel, enabling a four times higher throughput.

Quick and Accurate Quality Check benefit

  • LAURA® Smart performs a simple and fast automatic self-check and calibration at each start-up.
  • Special control strips and software enable a sophisticated quality control of the optical system.
  • The precision and accuracy of the reader and the strip can be verified simultaneously through quality checks using liquid controls such as URINORM or other third party liquid controls.

Strip type flexibility

  • In order to offer, full range of chemical urinalysis, LAURA® Smart is compatible with different types of test strips for different parameters. The strips are automatically identified by the reader without the need for a manual setting.
  • The different strips used are DekaPHAN (10 parameters), TetraPHAN SG (4 parameters) and MicroabluPHAN Laura strips for Microalbumin & Creatinine ratio calculation

 Effortless operations

  • Easy operation using touch screen
  • Simple maintenance
  • Portable mode using batteries

LAURA® Smart comes from the ERBA group entity, Erba Lachema that has 40 years of experience in the development and manufacture of urine analyzers and strips.

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