The secret to eternal youth is in your smile, literally

When it comes to preserving our youth, we stop at nothing to appear younger than we actually are. Just because our driver’s license says something it doesn’t mean that our face should say the same thing. That being said, not any are aware of the fact that a white smile can preserve your appearance and help you look forever youthful.  When someone appears old and worn off by time, the fact that they have yellow or stained teeth plays a huge role in how they are perceived. You might be a little confused at this point so let’s take a closer look at how this works.

Many people are afraid of whitening their teeth because they’re afraid of having things done to their mouths. However teeth whitening safety has been widely researched and, provided it’s done using industry approved methods and products it’s generally considered to be a safe procedure with few, if any, side effects.

The benefits of having a great set of pearly whites

Specialists claim that our smile can be seen from a very long distance which means that you can’t hide your imperfections behind distance alone. It’s important to have a nice set of white teeth because teeth are pretty much the focal point of what people first see when they meet you. The teeth are the most eye catching feature that a person can have, and if they’re not white, that’s going to send out some bad signals about you as a person or your overall hygiene. First impressions aren’t always accurate but they can be decisive. Having pearly whites will allow you to make a great first impression, appeal more like-able to your work colleagues and even find more success in romantic relationships.

White teeth and their age hiding tricks

Studies show that straight, white teeth are associated with three key characteristics: health, confidence and youth. You give off confidence by smiling a lot and when you’re teeth are perfectly white you tend to do that a lot more often. When it comes to health, white teeth are perceived as an undeniable token of good health and usually young people are healthier. As for youth itself, the teeth can give off signs referring to a person’s age. As mentioned previously, a person with stained and “worn out” teeth will definitely make people think they are older whereas white “fresh out the box” teeth will give off the impression of youth.

Through how society perceives youth and health, white teeth gives off strong suggestions about a person as do teeth that are not so white. Depending on which scenario applies to you, people might mistake you for being a lot younger or older than you actually are.

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